The Overcomers podcast interviews people about overcoming adversity. We believe that adversity can become your advantage. We ask people to tell us how their past has built muscles instead of scars. The topics that we cover include abuse, addiction, incarceration, depression, anxiety, health problems, loss of income, loss of employment. Each person will share how they navigated these situations in life to become the Overcomer that they are today.
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
As Memorial Day approaches, this episode is dedicated to the veterans who have dedicated their lives and service to our country.
Do you happen to know any veterans or families of veterans who may be struggling emotionally, physically, or mentally? If so, please share this week's episode with them.
There is no greater grief than losing a loved one, especially to suicide. Jeaneane Henson, a mother, experienced immense sorrow after losing her son, Daniel Ferguson, who took his own life on March 17, 2019. While there is no way to fully ease the pain of losing a child, she has found a purpose in helping veterans who face similar struggles.
Thursday May 18, 2023
S10: Episode 5 - Mary Jackson’s Book About Encountering the Divine in Everyday Life
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
Have you ever felt like someone is watching you or had a sense of knowing how and what you're feeling? That feeling of never being alone?
Sometimes, even in the midst of difficult times or when there's no one around, we feel and think that we are not alone. This is exactly what Mary Jackson has felt since she was a child, and now she wants to share what it means to her.
You should listen to this podcast episode where Mary shares her book called "PRESENCE: Recognizing the Divine in Your Everyday Life." She explains how we can identify the divine speaking to us in our normal daily activities.
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Are you currently facing adversity? How are you coping while navigating life's challenges?
In this week's episode, we have an interview with Frank McKinney, who successfully fought and overcame Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. He is now two years cancer-free and has written a book about his experience and how he conquered one of the greatest adversities in his life.
After listening to this episode, you will definitely want to buy the book as it not only offers valuable insights but also can help an entire village in Haiti.
Key takeaways from the episode:
- Adversity can make you feel dead inside, so take risks and do something that makes you feel most alive.
- Your adversity has a purpose.
- Do not hold onto the past or difficult times because tomorrow is a new day.
- Do not become a victim of "Stockholm Syndrome" when facing adversity. Acknowledge it and do not let it consume you.
Thursday May 04, 2023
S10: Episode 3 - How Gregg Grossman Became a Survivor Despite Various Adversities
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
There comes a time in our lives when we think we cannot survive because life is uncertain. Are you in that moment right now, where you feel that this is the worst phase of your life?
Don't miss this episode with Gregg L. Grossman, where he shares the various adversities he has faced in his life, including emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges. But he overcame them all and acknowledges that his faith helped him conquer everything and still survive daily life. He is now committed to helping others.
Friday Apr 28, 2023
S10: Episode 2- Admiral Kyle Cozad’s New Purpose After His Accident
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Have you ever experienced a difficulty in your life and you thought of giving up? Have you ever thpught that things eont get better?
Then you must listen to this week’s podcast, where I interviewed Admiral Kyle Cozad. He is a retired US Navy Rear Admiral and current President and CEO of the Naval Aviation Museum Foundation. He had an accident and the doctor believed it would leave him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, but that doctor was happy to be wrong! Because Admiral Kyle Cozad relearned to walk again.
After that accident, Admiral Kyle Cozad became an inspirational speaker and author of the book titled Relentless Positivity: A Common Veteran Battling Uncommon Odds.
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Are you struggling to recover from addiction or know someone who is? Then this is the episode you will want to listen to. In this interview, we speak with Kevin McCracken, who was imprisoned multiple times due to various charges and was miraculously given a chance to change his life. He attended AA recovery meetings but wasn't convinced about "change" until a guy stood up and talked about "it's okay to feel suicidal in recovery," which resonated with him.
Kevin shares his past and how he became an addict, his journey of recovery, and how he achieved success in his life now as a family man and businessman.
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
S9: Episode 12 - Staying Fit During Pregnancy: Tips for Expecting Mothers
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
This podcast episode features an interview with Erin R Saba, a pre and postpartum fitness coach who shares her program for pregnant women who want to maintain a fitness routine but are worried about the risks.
Erin discusses three different approaches to pregnancy and childbirth and emphasizes the importance of being aware of your body and using proper techniques and breathing during exercise.
The episode covers the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, including a faster recovery after giving birth, and the importance of having a supportive community and one-on-one guidance.
Tune in to learn more about staying fit and healthy during pregnancy.
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
For some people, saying "No" to requests from others can be very difficult. People who have a people-pleasing nature may always be willing to help others, but this often comes at the cost of neglecting their own needs. They compromise their rest time and even their health by always saying "Yes" to others. If you relate to this, you know how hard it can be to break this cycle.
If you are struggling with being a people pleaser, this podcast is a must-listen! Don't miss this interview with Suzanne Culberg, a speaker, author, and coach. She shares ideas on how to recognize if you have a people-pleasing attitude and how to start saying "No" without feeling guilty.
Some important points discussed in the episode include:
Ask yourself how your confident, higher self would respond to a triggering situation.
If you can feel it, you can heal it.
Adopt an abundance mindset and remind yourself that you have enough for today.
The Law of Attraction involves both positive thinking and action.
Set goals, get excited about them, and celebrate your achievements.
Don't look for reasons to delay action; take action now.
Listen to this episode of the Overcomer's Podcast to learn how to recognize if you're a people pleaser, understand why you became one, and how to overcome it with our lovely guest, Suzanne Culberg, an author and coach.
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
S9: Episode 10 - Life Coach Peggy Messer: Your intentions create your reality
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
It's easy to feel like life is over once you retire, but this week's episode of the podcast will challenge that notion. In fact, it might just change the way you think about retirement altogether!
In this episode, we had the pleasure of interviewing Peggy Messer, a remarkable 73-year-old woman who has undergone a profound mindset shift and is now embarking on a new journey as a life coach and motivational speaker. As a retired teacher with 26 years of experience, Peggy knows a thing or two about making the most of every opportunity that comes your way.
One of the key takeaways from our conversation with Peggy is the idea that our intentions create our reality. By becoming the hero of your own story and pursuing your God-sized dreams, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve greatness.
Peggy also shared some important insights about finding your life's purpose. She believes that every experience we have, both good and bad, ultimately leads us to where we are meant to be. And if you always strive to do your best, even when things get tough, you'll find that the universe has a way of rewarding your efforts.
So if you're feeling stuck or unsure about your next steps in life, take a listen to this inspiring episode and let Peggy's wisdom guide you towards your own God-sized dream.
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
S9: Episode 9: Overcoming a Home Invasion and Being Arrested for Murder
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
This week's episode is not a usual episode, as it tells the story of Tennyson Jacobson and her husband Kyle, who experienced a break-in on Mother's Day 2013. Despite the traumatic experience, Tennyson shares how she managed to heal physically, mentally, and emotionally and continue living her life. Her husband's presence that night, who is a firefighter usually at work for two days straight, was crucial in averting potential tragedy.
For Tennyson, being an overcomer is having courage. It means facing everyday situations that are uncomfortable, doing things that are challenging, and pushing yourself beyond your limits. She also learned the importance of intuition, believing in your gut feeling, and trusting yourself.
This episode is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of intuition. We hope that it will inspire you to be courageous and trust your intuition, no matter what challenges you face in life.
Listen to this episode of the Overcomer's Podcast to learn more about Tennyson Jacobson's story of overcoming PTSD and pursuing a normal and happy life after the worst night she ever encountered.